About Cookies

When you visit our site, we utilize cookies for various purposes. Here's an overview of the four main types of cookies we use and why:

  1. Site functionality cookies: These cookies enable you to navigate the site smoothly and utilize features such as "Add to Cart."

  2. Site analytics cookies: These cookies help us measure and analyze how our customers interact with the site, allowing us to enhance both its functionality and your shopping experience.

  3. Customer preference cookies: While you browse or shop on Floryme, these cookies remember your preferences (such as language or location), enhancing your shopping experience by personalizing it to suit you.

  4. Targeting or advertising cookies: These cookies are employed to deliver ads tailored to your interests, limiting the frequency of ad displays and aiding us in assessing the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

By using our site, you consent to the placement of these types of cookies on your device and their accessibility when you revisit the site in the future. Should you wish to remove any cookies already stored on your computer, your browser's "help" section should provide guidance on locating the file or directory containing cookies. Please be aware that deleting or disabling future cookies may impact your user experience, potentially limiting your ability to utilize certain site functions and the comprehensive Floryme shopping experience we strive to offer our customers.